My StressCare tool is the anchor in our sessions.

During the process, you will begin to feel better, and understand, what it takes to regain your full strength.

A free chat

It starts with you calling me. It’s free. It’s crucial for your progress, that you feel you’ve gotten hold of the right person to help you. Should this not be the case, I’d be happy to suggest another colleague.

Your progress

During your recovery sessions, you will understand how your present mindset and patterns caused your stress. I will give you “simple to use tools” throughout the entire process. What starts out as our anchor to recovery, slowly transforms into a compass that you can use to monitor and relieve your stress.

My StressCare tool will be a trustful companion throughout your life. It is a powerful, practical preventive tool. You’ll be able to handle life’s future challenges with confidence. 

Would you like to hear more? Please contact me here.